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Happy Birthday To Me + 50 Weird And Unbelievable Facts About My Life

Akham Papa
Glory be to almighty God who made it possible again, It is you we worship and from you we ask for help, May He continue to guide us to the right path. As usual, My birthday came up again on 11-11 (November 11) and people as expected gushed out to wish the man of the moment a happy birthday.

It's a thing of joy seeing people in multitudes wishing only you all good things of life for 24 hours, Its's never a lie you would feel like a celebrity at least for one day in 365 days. And now I feel like expressing myself to those who don't know me yet to have even more well wishers come next year 11-11... and I bring on to you 50 strange facts about what's going on about me which you might not or already known before. Let's get along.

Personal Life
1. Akham is just a nick name, My real names are: Ayo-Akano Hamid Ayokunmi
2. I feel like I'm the only person alive that doesn't get angry
3. I hate cooking, I can't remember the last time I put a pot on fire.
4. Sincerely speaking, I have no idea how ALCOHOL tastes like, even alcoholic wines.
5. I love to spend lot of hours thinking.
6. I have no secret, at least one person knows something about my life
7. I lost my mum on 18-06-15.
8. I don't know how long it would take, I remember mum everyday since her death.
9. After mum there are other 3 people I can't afford to lose in my life, they are HERE, HERE, HERE
10. I can't wait to get to the future, I'm tired of the present life.

11. I'm against "no sex before marriage" in relationship.
12. I once had a girlfriend and I was serious about our relationship.
13. I seem to be in love with light girls all over my relationships.
14. I still don't believe girls are loyal to a guy for many years.
15. I love to have sex but I'm not a sex freak
16. I can go months without sex but I hate going months without seeing who I'm dating.
17. A girl once broke up using the difference in our religion as excuse even though she knew before we started
18. My ex gf thinks I'm boring which makes one of my friends to laugh so hard anytime I tell him that's what she thinks.
19. I don't like seeing failing relationships.
20. I still have  good rapports with all my ex girlfriends with no more strings attached.

21.There are 2 websites I can't go a day without using: google and facebook
22. Guys I don't know in real life, I hardly reply there messages online
23. I love chatting with females be it girl, lady or woman
24. I have the talent of knowing all the usernames of everybody i frequently chat with offhand on all chatting applications
25. I can't chat without using smileys, I love people who display their real names on social media even though I don't.
26. Someone once recommend me for Guinness book of record for the most online personality on most social sites
27. I break any news on facebook, even  when I break up with my girlfriend.
28. I hAtE pe0plE wh0 tYpE lIkE tHiS
29. I never knew I'm so good in writing until a boss pushed me to success in it.
30. I am a professional blogger, article writer and re-writer, online composer, political critic and I write for some sites on business deals.

31. I have no secret hidden to my real friends
32. I'm counted as best friend to so many people
33. I have so many ladies as friends with nothing attached
34. I hardly make you angry if you are my friend
35. I once vowed to unfriend a friend in real life but I find it difficult even though it was worth it
36. I am very loyal to my friends
37. I can never get shy in anywhere if one of my best friends is present
38. Friends tends to miss me more than I miss them
39. People who gets angry easily will never last with me
40. One friend still looking for how to get me angry till date

41. I hardly take photos of myself.
42. I always find it difficult to express my mind to opposite gender
43.I hate reading newspapers but I visit at least 10 blogs daily
44. I love football
45. I end my words with !!! if I need you to understand how I'm serious about what I'm saying
46. I say sorry when you tell me I have wronged you even if I know I did not.
47. I love all my names except 1
48. Color blue remains my default picture
49. No best food
50. I love to tell you about myself.
These are few facts about me, there are numerous of them but maybe they would be updated later in the future.

N:B: I'm changing the design of this blog soon but the contents still intact, and keep calm and watch out for free gifts coming for this site's readers in short time.

 I know you already know some of these facts but which one did you find so weird and unbelievable...??




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